The SHOW SLOVAKIA agency in cooperation with the world-famous company Ice Empire, which has created projects such as Stars on Ice, Champions on Ice and many others, brings to Slovakia a musical on ice for the whole family THE SNOW QUEEN, inspired by the famous story by Hans Christian Andersen.

In the musical on ice SNEHOVÁ KRAĽOVNÁ, you will see not only great skating performances by top European figure skaters - participants in world figure skating shows, but also acrobatic and dance numbers performed by professional circus artists and ice dancers.

A colorful light show, specially composed music for the musical as well as amazing performances by all the artists - that's what awaits you during the musical on ice.

Dialogues and all songs of the musical will be in Slovak.

"The Snow Queen" is the most famous work of Hans Christian Andersen, where love, loyalty, perseverance, friendship and faith work real miracles. Thanks to them, the fairy-tale heroes break the worst spells and overcome any obstacles. Their long and difficult journey is also a test of trust, thanks in which they will find loyal friends and get the happiness they deserve.

The duration of the SNOW QUEEN musical on ice for the whole family is 2 hours with a 20-minute intermission.

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