The most successful Czech travesti show TECHTLE MECHTLE brings a new theater show

"Until death do us part", first time to Bratislava!

For better or for worse, until death do us part... Most of you have probably said this sentence at least once in your life. The braver ones several times. The transvestite group Techtle Mechtle will shed light on what such a marriage looks like after 30 years under the same roof. The only daughter has already grown up and you have long since woken up from the initial infatuation and enchantment. In short, life and marriage are a battle, and ideally both must win. A theater show in which you will sometimes feel at home in your living room is heading to our city. A musical-dance, theatrical performance in which you will see approximately 80 costumes in one evening, elaborate dance choreographies and funny scenes from marriage written by life itself. The Techtle Mechtle group prepares new performances every year, which are always their own creations, from the design of costumes, narrative stage set, wigs, decorations to the very script of the entire performance.